Results for 'John Gabrieli Kalanit Grill-Spector, Golijeh Golarai'

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  1. Developmental neuroimaging of the human ventral visual cortex.John Gabrieli Kalanit Grill-Spector, Golijeh Golarai - 2008 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 12 (4):152.
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    Distinct representations of configural and part information across multiple face-selective regions of the human brain.Golijeh Golarai, Dara G. Ghahremani, Jennifer L. Eberhardt & John D. E. Gabrieli - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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  3. Repetition and the brain: neural models of stimulus-specific effects.Kalanit Grill-Spector, Richard Henson & Alex Martin - 2006 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 10 (1):14-23.
  4. fMRI adaptation: a tool for studying visual representations in the primate brain.Zoe Kourtzi & Grill-Spector & Kalanit - 2005 - In Colin W. G. Clifford & Gillian Rhodes (eds.), Fitting the Mind to the World: Adaptation and After-Effects in High-Level Vision. Oxford University Press.
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    The improbable simplicity of the fusiform face area.Kevin S. Weiner & Kalanit Grill-Spector - 2012 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 16 (5):251-254.
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    Feature saliency and feedback information interactively impact visual category learning.Rubi Hammer, Vladimir Sloutsky & Kalanit Grill-Spector - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Foundational Issues in Human Brain Mapping.Stephen José Hanson & Martin Bunzl (eds.) - 2010 - Bradford.
    The field of neuroimaging has reached a watershed. Brain imaging research has been the source of many advances in cognitive neuroscience and cognitive science over the last decade, but recent critiques and emerging trends are raising foundational issues of methodology, measurement, and theory. Indeed, concerns over interpretation of brain maps have created serious controversies in social neuroscience, and, more important, point to a larger set of issues that lie at the heart of the entire brain mapping enterprise. In this volume, (...)
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    Convergent behavioral and neuropsychological evidence for a distinction between identification and production forms of repetition priming.John De Gabrieli, Chandan J. Vaidya, Maria Stone, Wendy S. Francis, Sharon L. Thompson-Schill, Debra A. Fleischman, Jared R. Tinklenberg, Jerome A. Yesavage & Robert S. Wilson - 1999 - Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 128 (4):479.
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    The promise of educational neuroscience: Comment on Bowers (2016).John D. E. Gabrieli - 2016 - Psychological Review 123 (5):613-619.
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    Reform in Nineteenth Century China.Stanley Spector, Paul A. Cohen & John E. Schrecker - 1982 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 102 (4):668.
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    Evidence of stable individual differences in implicit learning.Priya B. Kalra, John D. E. Gabrieli & Amy S. Finn - 2019 - Cognition 190 (C):199-211.
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  12. What Does Implicit Cognition Tell Us About Consciousness?Owen Flanagan Churchland, John Gabrieli, Melvyn Goodale, Anthony Greenwald, Valerie Hardcastle, Larry Jacoby, Christof Koch, Philip Merikle, David Milner & Daniel Schacter - 1997 - Consciousness and Cognition 6:148.
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    Letters to the Editor.John D. Sommer, Ed Casey, Mary C. Rawlinson, Eva Kittay, Michael A. Simon, Patrick Grim, Clyde Lee Miller, Rita Nolan, Marshall Spector, Don Ihde, Peter Williams, Anthony Weston, Donn Welton, Dick Howard, David A. Dilworth & Tom Foster Digby 3d - 1993 - Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association 66 (5):97 - 112.
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    Functional neuroimaging of short-term memory: The neural mechanisms of mental storage.Bart Rypma & John D. E. Gabrieli - 2001 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 24 (1):143-144.
    Cowan argues that the true short-term memory (STM) capacity limit is about 4 items. Functional neuroimaging data converge with this conclusion, indicating distinct neural activity patterns depending on whether or not memory task-demands exceed this limit. STM for verbal information within that capacity invokes focal prefrontal cortical activation that increases with memory load. STM for verbal information exceeding that capacity invokes widespread prefrontal activation in regions associated with executive and attentional processes that may mediate chunking processes to accommodate STM capacity (...)
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    Trait and state anxiety reduce the mere exposure effect.Sandra L. Ladd & John D. E. Gabrieli - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    The Neural Representation of a Repeated Standard Stimulus in Dyslexia.Sara D. Beach, Ola Ozernov-Palchik, Sidney C. May, Tracy M. Centanni, Tyler K. Perrachione, Dimitrios Pantazis & John D. E. Gabrieli - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
    The neural representation of a repeated stimulus is the standard against which a deviant stimulus is measured in the brain, giving rise to the well-known mismatch response. It has been suggested that individuals with dyslexia have poor implicit memory for recently repeated stimuli, such as the train of standards in an oddball paradigm. Here, we examined how the neural representation of a standard emerges over repetitions, asking whether there is less sensitivity to repetition and/or less accrual of “standardness” over successive (...)
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    Implementing Remote Developmental Research: A Case Study of a Randomized Controlled Trial Language Intervention During COVID-19.Ola Ozernov-Palchik, Halie A. Olson, Xochitl M. Arechiga, Hope Kentala, Jovita L. Solorio-Fielder, Kimberly L. Wang, Yesi Camacho Torres, Natalie D. Gardino, Jeff R. Dieffenbach & John D. E. Gabrieli - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Intervention studies with developmental samples are difficult to implement, in particular when targeting demographically diverse communities. Online studies have the potential to examine the efficacy of highly scalable interventions aimed at enhancing development, and to address some of the barriers faced by underrepresented communities for participating in developmental research. During the COVID-19 pandemic, we executed a fully remote randomized controlled trial language intervention with third and fourth grade students from diverse backgrounds across the United States. Using this as a case (...)
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  18. Differential effects of socioeconomic status on working and procedural memory systems.Julia A. Leonard, Allyson P. Mackey, Amy S. Finn & John D. E. Gabrieli - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
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    Direct comparison of neural systems mediating conscious and unconscious skill learning.Daniel B. Willingham, Joanna Salidis & John D. E. Gabrieli - 2002 - Journal of Neurophysiology 88 (3):1451-1460.
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    Word-identification priming for ignored and attended words.Maria Stone, Sandra L. Ladd, Chandan J. Vaidya & John D. E. Gabrieli - 1998 - Consciousness and Cognition 7 (2):238-258.
    Three experiments examined contributions of study phase awareness of word identity to subsequent word-identification priming by manipulating visual attention to words at study. In Experiment 1, word-identification priming was reduced for ignored relative to attended words, even though ignored words were identified sufficiently to produce negative priming in the study phase. Word-identification priming was also reduced after color naming relative to emotional valence rating (Experiment 2) or word reading (Experiment 3), even though an effect of emotional valence upon color naming (...)
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    Neural Correlates of Long-Term Memory Enhancement Following Retrieval Practice.Eugenia Marin-Garcia, Aaron T. Mattfeld & John D. E. Gabrieli - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15.
    Retrieval practice, relative to further study, leads to long-term memory enhancement known as the “testing effect.” The neurobiological correlates of the testing effect at retrieval, when the learning benefits of testing are expressed, have not been fully characterized. Participants learned Swahili-English word-pairs and were assigned randomly to either the Study-Group or the Test-Group. After a week delay, all participants completed a cued-recall test while undergoing functional magnetic resonance imaging. The Test-Group had superior memory for the word-pairs compared to the Study-Group. (...)
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    Intrinsic functional network organization in high-functioning adolescents with autism spectrum disorder.Elizabeth Redcay, Joseph M. Moran, Penelope L. Mavros, Helen Tager-Flusberg, John D. E. Gabrieli & Susan Whitfield-Gabrieli - 2013 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 7.
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    Introduction.Kalle Grill & Danny Scoccia - 2015 - Social Theory and Practice 41 (4):577-578.
    Introduction: Preference, Choice and (Libertarian) Paternalism Kalle Grill & Danny Scoccia This special issue originated in a workshop organized by one of the editors, Kalle Grill, at Umeå University in March 2014, with funding from The Swedish Foundation for Humanities and Social Sciences. The theme of the workshop was Respecting Context-Dependent Preferences. Contributors to this issue who were also speakers at the Umeå workshop are Richard Arneson, Kalle Grill, Jason Hanna, Sven Ove Hansson, Robert Sugden, and Torbjörn (...)
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    Tommaso Moro, Lettere. Scelte, tradotte e commentate da Alberto Castelli, a cura di Francesco Rognoni, Vita e Pensiero, Milano 2008, 123 p. Introduzione da John Harriot S.J. [REVIEW]Vittorio Gabrieli - 2008 - Moreana 45 (2):249-252.
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    La familia en Rawls: ¿En qué sentido es parte de la estructura básica?Ezequiel Spector - 2014 - Isonomía. Revista de Teoría y Filosofía Del Derecho 41:97-117.
    Si la familia es o no parte de la estructura básica es un tema que no queda del todo claro en la teoría de John Rawls. Por un lado, el autor afirma que lo es, pero, por otro lado, al analizar esta institución, la equipara con otras instituciones que explícitamente dice que no son parte de la estructura básica, como las iglesias y las universidades. El objetivo de este trabajo es brindar una interpretación de Rawls que solucione este problema.
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    Stigmatisation, Exaggeration, and Contradiction: An Analysis of Scientific and Clinical Content in Canadian Print Media Discourse About Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder.John Aspler, Natalie Zizzo, Emily Bell, Nina Di Pietro & Eric Racine - 2019 - Canadian Journal of Bioethics / Revue canadienne de bioéthique 2 (2):23-35.
    Contexte : L’ensemble des troubles causés par l’alcoolisation fœtale (ETCAF), un diagnostic complexe qui comprend une vaste gamme de troubles neurodéveloppementaux, résulte de l’exposition à l’alcool dans l’utérus. L’ETCAF demeure mal compris par les Canadiens, ce qui pourrait contribuer à la stigmatisation dont souffrent les personnes atteintes d’ETCAF et les femmes qui consomment de l’alcool pendant leur grossesse. Méthodes : Pour mieux comprendre comment l’information sur l’ETCAF est présentée dans la sphère publique, nous avons analysé le contenu de 286 articles (...)
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  27. subregular tetrahedra.John Corcoran - 2008 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 14 (3):411-2.
    This largely expository lecture deals with aspects of traditional solid geometry suitable for applications in logic courses. Polygons are plane or two-dimensional; the simplest are triangles. Polyhedra [or polyhedrons] are solid or three-dimensional; the simplest are tetrahedra [or triangular pyramids, made of four triangles]. -/- A regular polygon has equal sides and equal angles. A polyhedron having congruent faces and congruent [polyhedral] angles is not called regular, as some might expect; rather they are said to be subregular—a word coined for (...)
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    Natural Law and Thomistic Juridical Realism: Prospects for a Dialogue with Contemporary Legal Theory by Petar Popovic (review).O. P. Pius Pietrzyk - 2024 - The Thomist 88 (4):710-715.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Natural Law and Thomistic Juridical Realism: Prospects for a Dialogue with Contemporary Legal Theory by Petar PopovicPius Pietrzyk O.P.Natural Law and Thomistic Juridical Realism: Prospects for a Dialogue with Contemporary Legal Theory. By Petar Popovic. Foreword by F. Russell Hittinger. Washington, D.C.: The Catholic University of America Press, 2022. Pp. xv + 307. $75.00 (hardcover). ISBN: 978-0-8132-3550-9.About a decade ago the former Cardinal Archbishop of Chicago, H. E. (...)
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    The object.Antony Hudek (ed.) - 2014 - Cambridge, Massachesetts: The MIT Press.
    Discussions of the object as a key to understanding central aspects of modern and contemporary art. Artists increasingly refer to "post-object-based" work while theorists engage with material artifacts in culture. A focus on "object-based" learning treats objects as vectors for dialogue across disciplines. Virtual imaging enables the object to be abstracted or circumvented, while immaterial forms of labor challenge materialist theories. This anthology surveys such reappraisals of what constitutes the "objectness" of production, with art as its focus. Among the topics (...)
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    Quelques repéres historiques sur la théorie des jeux.Christian Schmidt - 2006 - Revue de Synthèse 127 (1):141-158.
    L'article s'attache à dégager le fil rouge qui relie les réflexions de Wilhelm Gottfried Leibniz sur les jeux de société à la théorie des jeux, telle qu'on la trouve dans l'ouvrage de John Von Neumann et Oskar Morgenstern. L'itinéraire décrit passe par les travaux de plusieurs mathématiciens du XVIIIe siècle sur différents jeux de hasard, pour aboutir aux recherches de quelques-uns des fondateurs des mathématiques modernes, comme Ernst Zermelo pour la théorie des ensembles et Émile Borel pour la théorie (...)
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  31. On the interpretation of disjunction: Asymmetric, incremental, and eager for inconsistency. [REVIEW]Raj Singh - 2008 - Linguistics and Philosophy 31 (2):245-260.
    Hurford’s Constraint (Hurford, Foundations of Language, 11, 409–411, 1974) states that a disjunction is infelicitous if its disjuncts stand in an entailment relation: #John was born in Paris or in France. Gazdar (Pragmatics, Academic Press, NY, 1979) observed that scalar implicatures can obviate the constraint. For instance, sentences of the form (A or B) or (Both Aand B) are felicitous due to the exclusivity implicature of the first disjunct: A or B implicates ‘not (A and B)’. Chierchia, Fox, and (...)
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    An Analytical Study on John Locke's View of Nature. 김일방 - 2017 - Environmental Philosophy 24 (24):155-182.
    이 논문의 목적은 두 가지다. 하나는 로크의 자연관을 분석하는 데 있다. 이를 위해 필자는 로크의 자연관이 잘 드러나고 있는 『통치론』의 제2장과 제4장을 토대로 로크의 자연관의 핵심을 드러내고자 시도하였다. 다른 하나의 목적은 로크의 자연관을 환경윤리적 관점에서 분석하는 것이다. 환경윤리적 관점에서 볼 때 로크는 제한적 인간중심주의자, 제한적 프론티어윤리 제창자로 규정지을 수 있었다. 그리고 로크의 자연관을 분석하는 과정에서 발견할 수 있었던 더욱 중요한 사실은 로크식 관점이었다. 로크식 관점이란 우리가 누리고 있는 자연자원은 총체적으로 어느 특정 국가의 소유가 아니라 인류의 공유물․공동자산으로 여기는 관점을 말한다. 이러한 (...)
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    Ecrits politiques et philosophiques.John Adams - 2004 - Caen: Equipe "Identité et subjectivité," Université de Caen Basse-Normandie. Edited by Jean-Paul Goffinon.
    v. 1. De Harvard à la Guerre de l'indépendance américaine (1756-1782) -- v. 2. De la Constitution fédérale à la retraite (1786-1816).
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    Educational Theories.John Adams - 1927 - E. Benn.
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    Protestant ethics and the spirit of politics: Weber on conscience, conviction and conflict.Christopher Adair-Toteff - 2011 - History of the Human Sciences 24 (1):19-35.
    Readers of The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism recognize that Weber attempts to provide an ideal account of development of modern rational capitalism. What readers apparently do not realize is that Weber believes that there is a political development that is parallel to this economic development. Weber believed that Luther’s passive theology and doctrine of two kingdoms lead to quiet resignation in earthly matters. Luther advises shunning politics and avoiding political confrontation. In contrast, Weber held that Calvin’s theology (...)
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  36. Risk.John Adams - 1996 - Environmental Values 5 (2):181-182.
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  37. Student evaluations: The ratings game.John V. Adams - 1997 - Inquiry (ERIC) 1 (2):10-16.
  38. Echoes of Eriugena in Renaissance philosophy : negation, theophany, anthropology.David Albertson - 2020 - In Adrian Guiu (ed.), A companion to John Scottus Eriugena. Boston: Brill.
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    John S. Dryzek, Democracy in Capitalist Times: Ideals, Limits, and Struggles:Democracy in Capitalist Times: Ideals, Limits, and Struggles.Albert Weale - 1999 - Ethics 109 (4):902-904.
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    It’s Nothing Personal, It’s Just Business.John Alexander - 2000 - Business Ethics Quarterly 10 (3):545-561.
    Managers have the primary role responsibility to protect and promote the economic viability of their organizations. Utilizing a formula that demonstrates the inherently unstable nature of economic systems, I argue that managers are sometimes morally required to make adjustments that result in harming people who work for them in order to reestablish the equilibrium necessary to remain viable. The question of who is going to be harmed and how this harm is morally justified is the focal point of this paper. (...)
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    JME Referees in 1994.Henry Alexander, Michael Bond, Muriel Bebeau, Brenda Jo Bredemeier, Eamonn Callan, Mark Cladis, Jerrold Coombs, Dov Darom, John Gibbs & David Gooderham - 1995 - Journal of Moral Education 24 (2):209.
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    Robert B. Westbrook, "John Dewey and American Democracy". [REVIEW]Thomas M. Alexander - 1993 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 31 (1):150.
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    Radical, Sceptical and Liberal Enlightenment.James Alexander - 2020 - Journal of the Philosophy of History 14 (2):257-283.
    We still ask the question ‘What is Enlightenment?’ Every generation seems to offer new and contradictory answers to the question. In the last thirty or so years, the most interesting characterisations of Enlightenment have been by historians. They have told us that there is one Enlightenment, that there are two Enlightenments, that there are many Enlightenments. This has thrown up a second question, ‘How Many Enlightenments?’ In the spirit of collaboration and criticism, I answer both questions by arguing in this (...)
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  44. Salience and Epistemic Egocentrism: An Empirical Study.Joshua Alexander, Chad Gonnerman & John Waterman - 2014 - In James R. Beebe (ed.), Advances in Experimental Epistemology. New York: Bloomsbury Academic. pp. 97-117.
    Jennifer Nagel (2010) has recently proposed a fascinating account of the decreased tendency to attribute knowledge in conversational contexts in which unrealized possibilities of error have been mentioned. Her account appeals to epistemic egocentrism, or what is sometimes called the curse of knowledge, an egocentric bias to attribute our own mental states to other people (and sometimes our own future and past selves). Our aim in this paper is to investigate the empirical merits of Nagel’s hypothesis about the psychology involved (...)
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    Between hope and despair: Teacher education in the age of Trump.Carolyne Ali-Khan & John Wesley White - 2019 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 52 (7):738-746.
    We are teacher educators trying to recalibrate to the world of Trump. As we search to find our new bearings, we recognize that the markers of meaning that we relied on (such as civility and...
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    Research Ethics Capacity Development in Africa: Exploring a Model for Individual Success.Joseph Ali, Adnan A. Hyder & Nancy E. Kass - 2012 - Developing World Bioethics 12 (2):55-62.
    The Johns Hopkins‐Fogarty African Bioethics Training Program (FABTP) has offered a fully‐funded, one‐year, non‐degree training opportunity in research ethics to health professionals, ethics committee members, scholars, journalists and scientists from countries across sub‐Saharan Africa. In the first 9 years of operation, 28 trainees from 13 African countries have trained with FABTP. Any capacity building investment requires periodic critical evaluation of the impact that training dollars produce. In this paper we describe and evaluate FABTP and the efforts of its trainees.Our data (...)
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    The Evolution of Mind.John Tooby Colin Allen - 1996 - In Garrison W. Cottrell (ed.), Proceedings of the Eighteenth Annual Conference of The Cognitive Science Society. Lawrence Erlbaum. pp. 48.
  48. The Scientific Study of Consciousness: Searle’s Radical Request.Mahesh Ananth - 2010 - PSYCHE: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Research On Consciousness 16 (2):59-89.
    John Searle offers what he thinks to be a reasonable scientific approach to the understanding of consciousness. I argue that Searle is demanding nothing less than a Kuhnian-type revolution with respect to how scientists should study consciousness given his rejection of the subject-object distinction and affirmation of mental causation. As part of my analysis, I reveal that Searle embraces a version of emergentism that is in tension, not only with his own account, but also with some of the theoretical (...)
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  49. Politics and Morals. [REVIEW]John Anderson - 1954 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 32:213.
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    The Oxford handbook of British philosophy in the seventeenth century.Peter R. Anstey (ed.) - 2013 - Oxford, England: Oxford University Press.
    Provides an advanced overview of the issues that are informing research on the subject of British philosophy in the seventeenth century, while at the same time offering new directions for research to take. It covers the whole of the seventeenth century, ranging from Francis Bacon to John Locke and Isaac Newton. The book contains five parts: the introductory Part I examines the state of the discipline and the nature of its practitioners as the century unfolded; Part II discusses the (...)
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